Voice Broadcast Solutions

telSpiel Voice Broadcast Solutions helps businesses disseminate information across all Mobile phone users and beyond geographical boundaries with no fuss

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No customer ever lost. Click and Talk feature integration opens gateway of continuous communication even with those customers who feel overwhelmed by emails, alerts. Give customers freedom to connect, the way they want on the fly.

Multi-lingual voice support. Give customers the freedom to receive information in the language they can understand and identify with. Our solution can automatically disseminate OBD calls in regional languages. Our Voice based solution supports all major languages in India.

Multiple operator connectivity. Break the network barriers with  telSpiel Voice Broadcast that integrates all popular networks to bring seamless voice solution for business communications. Multi operator connectivity allows you to avoid the fuss of call dropping and network errors.

Up and active with robust redundancy. Completely redundant set-up that takes away latency allowing more communications hours with no interruption or drops.

Text-to-Speech Function. Phonemic representation translated into sound makes business available to people with disabilities too, offering better reach and projects a caring image of truly inclusive business model.

telSpiel is completely scalable and flexible voice broadcast solution customized to fit the communication needs of all business entities.

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