Voice OTP Solutions

Make your customers feel well protected with telSpiel Voice OTP Solutions

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Voice OTP solutions offer easy and dependable alternative when the other ways of sending OTP like email or SMS are not possible to use.

telSpiel Voice OTP is fully capable of providing fool-proof communication solution to intimate valued customers of verification code which they need for login, transaction confirmation, order status confirmation and other crucial details. For the businesses that value the security of customer information above anything else, voice OTP offers a valid go-to.

Select telSpiel Voice OTP Solution to give tough fight to scamsters and fraudsters and enjoy the brilliance of the technology enabled by:
  • Multi-lingual support
  • Carrier network partnerships
  • Real time delivery reports & analytics solutions
  • 0% latency for instant delivery powered by completely redundant set-up
  • Both PRI and SIP channels
  • Omniscient channel coverage

Team up with the customers and make every transaction a matter only between you and your end users with Voice OTP power.

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